ESIL 2 has the aim to boost the innovation and investment ecosystems in the European Union by supporting angel investing communities, in particular from countries where angel investing remains weak. The vision of the initiative is to empower the changing face of European angel investment.
To build the new wave of innovation and future leading technology champions, ESIL2 will build a new BA investor community, with fresh eyes and forward-looking ideas, focused on using their investment capacity to support innovative solutions to many of the most challenges and problems affecting our lives in both Europe and the world, focusing on the power of digitisation and technological development, driving forward ESG and exploiting the potential of a diverse investment community, striving toward gender parity and inclusion for both investors and the entrepreneurs they seek to back.
ESIL 2 for a dynamic European angel community
ESIL 2 wants to build the next generation of European Business Angles that are younger, more gender diverse, and located in new geographies in the emerging European economies where the initiative will be targeting the support and capacity building and partnering with them to create a connected and dynamic European angel community.
The project is run by a consortium composed of BAE, META Group and Bpifrance and is funded by the European Union.
ESIL 2 is the follow-up of the EU funded project, ESIL. It provided country specific capacity building actions with several activities including networking and matchmaking platform, access to best practices and knowledge of the world’s most effective Business Angel and early-stage investors and training materials.